God's Faithfulness in the Old Testament

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Every author depicts information in light of purposes and themes. Sometimes these themes are moral issues, emotions, or existential concepts. In the case of the Old Testament, the authors wrote books that highlighted various ideas such as love, obedience, and suffering. Despite various subtopics, the Old Testament clearly demonstrates the theme of God’s faithfulness to his followers.

To begin with, God’s faithfulness is displayed in the Pentateuch. One example is found in the opening chapters of Genesis. Even though Adam and Eve disobeyed his command, God does not let sin prevent him from being faithful. Instead, God enters the garden and asks the couple, “Where are you?” (Genesis 3:9) This example displays the theme that God remains involved in the lives of his followers even when they disobey him. Another example of God’s faithfulness is found in his interactions with Abraham. When God and Abraham establish a covenant that promises the man land, descendants, and blessings for all people, God completes the ratification ceremony for both parties. This act signifies that God is entirely responsible for upholding the covenant. From this passage, the faithfulness of God is highlighted. God makes a deal that only he can uphold; therefore, his faithfulness to Abraham and his descendents is crucial. In addition to Genesis, God’s faithfulness is displayed in the events of the Exodus and subsequent wanderings of Israel. God rescues Israel from slavery in Egypt, just as he promised Abraham, then establishes a covenant with the people at Sinai. This agreement, known as the Mosaic covenant, was conditional in nature because it required the faithfulness of Israel to God. While this stipulation seems to detract from God’s f...

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...Temple (this action is also noted in 2nd Chronicles). In Nehemiah, Artaxerxes allows the Jews to rebuild Jerusalem’s walls. These actions are attributed to God’s favor and reveal that God is still faithful to his people. The promises made to Abraham are still in effect, along with the Mosaic and Davidic covenants. Although the people disobeyed God and were punished, God continues to exhibit his love for Israel. From an overview of the writings of the Old Testament, the theme of God’s faithfulness is displayed.

Surveying the Old Testament reveals the theme of God’s faithfulness to his people. In light of this understanding, the restoration of the Israelites prophesized in the Old Testament is essentially the fulfillment of every covenant with God. This perspective relates to the work of Christ and encourages any follower of God to trust in his faithfulness.

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