The Importance Of Obeying God

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Comment: Obeying God seems so much easier in my life than trusting Him. I know God’s rules – do this and do not do that, and everything will be ok. I do not need to wonder if God wants me not to sin, I already know the answer. Obeying is theoretically simple. On the other hand, trusting God requires me to go out of my comfort zone of rules that I know and dive into unknown. It is so much harder because I do not know where the trust will bring me. I do not know if when I trust God with my finances for the school, he will provide it or not. He has a right to do both and I need to trust whatever His plan is. But it is hard, because I am impatient and want to be sure about the future and have the control. I do not know how long that “trusting” without clear answer will last. I cannot rely on my wisdom or on my strength, because it will not affect the situation. Yet, I have never thought about lack of trust as disobedience. God wants us to totally rely on Him, therefore we cannot know the extent or times of situations. It really changed my perspective on thinking. I can never obey God and maybe trust Him, but it comes together. If I only obey, I try the theology of works, which is denying Jesus’ sacrifice. The Lord wants my whole heart and simply not trusting Him fully is a sin. Next time I am struggling to give God my trust, I will remember it. …show more content…

(page 22-23) The second problem without popular use of the expression “the providence of God” is that we either unconsciously or deliberately imply that God intervenes at specific points in out loves but is largely only an interested spectator most if the time . . . we reduce God’s control over our lives to a stop-and-go, in-and-out

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