Comparing Hitler To The Monarchs Of The 1800's

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With economic tension rising in the 1800 's and greater fear for the führer, also known as Hitler, during the 1900 's, although in different time periods, German 's in these times were looking for somewhere to go to escape the hardship being faced in their home country. For example, during the 1800’s the Germans experienced economic hardship and in America there were places to prosper financially while still being able to farm . During the ruling of Hitler, both economic hardship and the hatred of Jews as well as cities becoming war zones led to a lot of people fleeing Germany. The Americas seemed like a great place to move to with the many opportunities and many chances to flourish. In this paper we look to expand on why the German 's came …show more content…

From immigrating to the United States for economic reason to escaping the harsh or unfair governments, Germans came to the United States for a state of sovereignty and the ability to prosper. Comparing Hitler to the Monarchs of the 1800’s you can see similarities between the two such as ridiculous laws and strong bias. The German citizens had to escape such terrible conditions and come to a land in which one can thrive. Although not everybody became prosperous due to not being able to keep up with the American way of living, one can say the positives definitely out way the negatives for those immigrants. Today you can see the same things happening. For example, the civil war that was going on in Syria led to spike in immigration from Syrian refugees escaping the war zone. The Syrian’s have come here to do better economically and for a better future in which they do not fear for their lives. Although judged off of their origin after comments during times like now where ISIS is a real threat so people are against these refugees in fear that they could be terrorist. This is similar to the early 1900’s where Americans were scared of German immigrants during World War 1 being spies. Looking at this one can hope to learn the affects one countries leader can have upon an entire nation, to be more specific, America. The German immigration created a more diverse culture, gave people more hope, and made a nation people are not afraid to go to because one knows they will be accepted Bringing this paper to a close, although in different time periods with different causes for immigration, these immigrants came to the Americas for the same reason, to thrive in a more prosperous country. This changed this country for the better, bringing more diversity as well as creating a better future for immigrant families and further generations to

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