What Is Gender Inequality In The Workplace Essay

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Gender Inequality in the Workplace
The Gender inequality issue has been around for many year and it affects many people regardless of gender and race. Most people think gender inequality is a specific female problem, but some males also experience it. The research done may seem that the workplace is unequal, but that 's the case. Some of the so called "proof" about female gender inequality is miss used and misunderstood. There is gender inequality in the workplace, but the workplace can be gender biased based on different factors.
Women earn 78 cents of a dollar compared to what men earn and the pay gap hasn 't changed. Women are than men to be denied a pay raised based on gender. 44 percent of men are happy with their current pay, while only …show more content…

Being denied grants in your field of work. Having books or articles attacked for speaking out. Time and energy and personal attack can be a cost. Most people who don 't speak up against gender inequality fear ridicule (Lleavy 1).
There is gender inequality in the workplace, but there can be reasons people don 't speak on it. In the source it states "Fearing losing opportunity to get a job is a price people pay for speaking up to gender inequality." This can be a reason people don 't speak against gender inequality. In the source it states "being denied grants in your work." This is also a reason people don 't speak up against gender inequality.
Despite that men are dominating group conversations in the workplace, women hold 14.6 percent if executive office positions. A psychology study found that from different experiments, men feel threatened by female bosses. In a simulation with salary negotiation with a starting offer of $28,500, male participants with male bosses offered men a salary of $49,400. Men would likely see words like risk and fear when it comes to female bosses. When it comes to female bosses men in general felt threatened

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