Game Theory In Marriage

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Game Theory in Marriage

1 Overview

Each year, over two million couples are married in the United States but nearly half of these

marriages will end in divorce1. Given the high rate of divorce, one might assume the use of pre-

marriage contracts (also referred to herein as prenuptial agreements) would be equally high.

However, only 5-10% of married couples typically sign pre-marriage contracts, while the rest forge

ahead into what Samuel Johnson called a “ triumph of hope over experience.”

This paper attempts to explain the paradox, understand individuals’ behaviors as they relate to

marriage, divorce and the use of pre-nuptial agreements. We have used the principles of game

theory to predict an equilibrium outcome relating to the use of prenuptial agreements and to

explain deviations from this outcome.

2 Background on Pre-marriage Agreements

A pre-marriage contract, also referred to as a prenuptial agreement or “ pre-nup,” is a legal contract

entered by both parties prior to marriage that defines expectations for behavior during the

marriage and sets guidelines for property division in the event of the dissolution of the marriage.

Legally speaking, a marriage is a private contract between two people who voluntarily agree to

enter a spousal relationship. 2 Couples entering into a marriage become united in many

dimensions, including social and financial. Financially, the concept of community property binds

the assets and debts of one spouse to those of the other’ s.

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