Persuasive Essay On Healthy Food

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Food is a topic that has been fought a million times and will continue to be fought a million more. But, who can blame anyone for trying to find that miracle cure when it comes to food? We all want there to be an easy solution to every predicament we have, but it just is not possible. There can never be one easy solution to any problem as complex and misguided as this one. So it makes sense for there to be controversies over which foods are “healthiest” for the average individual, which foods help with certain displacements, the miracles food has been mistakenly identified with, and now whether or not the government should be imposing their ideals of which foods and diets are the “healthiest.” Of all of the systems and positions of power, the government should be the last to have the right to impose their own personal ideals upon us. This is in part due to the government not necessarily being the most informed on dietary matters. These so called “healthy” foods are just as healthy as “non-healthy” foods as long as there is moderation and the right to a specific lifestyle should fall between a few of our basic rights of being an American, such as; the right to the pursuit of happiness, the right to life, and the right to liberty. When one thinks of healthy foods what is the first few things come to mind? Probably something with a supposedly low calorie count …show more content…

And, as true as that may be, there is still the fact that these “healthy” foods are only that if they are eaten in serving sizes and paired with regular exercise. Like the salad with Hidden Valley The Original Ranch®, this is just as nutritional as a bag of Cheetos Crunchy Flamin ' Hot Cheese Flavored Snacks® but only if the consumer uses only two tablespoons. Once the portion control is out the window, there is no defending the meal anymore; the meal is undoubtedly unhealthy and poor in nutritional

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