The Fence of Economy in Mario Vargas Llosa's Essay, The Fence of Lies

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In his essay, “The Fence of Lies,” Mario Vargas Llosa explores the potential consequences of building a wall across the Mexican-American border. He argues that, if built, the wall would be ineffective and a waste of resources. He proposes that the money allotted for the border wall be used instead to offer better job opportunities to Latin American citizens within their own borders. However, this proposal is unrealistic as it offers no real solutions to the economic problem of illegal immigration, nor is it an effective plan. Vargas Llosa’s main stance is that the United States government ought not to fund the border wall because it will cost around 6 billion and will “soon be as full of holes as swiss cheese” (Vargas Llosa 49), and because it will do nothing that it promises to do. He writes, “[the wall] will not serve in the least to stop the flow of illegal immigrants into the United States” (Vargas Llosa 47). The problem with his argument lies in the effectiveness of the wall. Granted, a wall will not stop a dedicated person doggedly attempting to cross the border. Nor will it ...

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