Analysis Of The Fault In Our Stars

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The theme of life is a major concept that crosses one’s mind each day. Whether a person is aware of their actions or not, people act in order to survive and stay alive. However, some people have to face the reality that their life is going to end sooner than expected and the mentality of survival changes to just living. The film, The Fault in Our Stars, directed by Josh Boone with screenplay by Scott Neustadter and Michael Weber, features star crossed lovers Augustus Waters (Ansel Elgort) and Hazel Lancaster (Shailene Woodley) who have to live their life knowing they are going to die of cancer. The two teenagers spend their lives living like it is their last day. They live as if the time they have left is their own infinity. Boone is able …show more content…

Both Augustus and Hazel appear ill and weak. Isaac appears helpless, not able to see. The director wants this scene to come off as morbid. He wants the audience to feel sad and depressed. Loved ones are saying goodbye and talking of their friend’s death to the person who has not yet died. Boone uses this visual aspect of the film to catch the audience. He shows how helpless the characters are as Isaac struggles to navigate and Augustus must tell him to “go a little to the left, put your hand out, there is a podium to your right”(The Fault in Our Stars). He wants them to feel and believe that the characters are numb and dying; that their life is ending and everything is over. However, that is not how they feel. The characters have found the happiness within their sadness. They have found the light within their darkness. Hazel even says to Augustus “how thankful [she] is for [their] little eternity” and the she “[would not] trade it for anything in the world” (The Fault in Our Stars). They enjoyed their moments and are now celebrating what they shared with one another at this mini funeral. Boone shows how even …show more content…

The characters within The Fault in Our Stars are able to find joy within the terrible world they have lived in and even in the most devastating scenes, bring happiness and love into the film. The audience is able to appreciate and understand how much of a blessing life is and knowing that when one goes to sleep at night, the next morning they will wake up healthy and alright. If people who do not have this luxury of security and livelihood are able to remain hopeful in the world, the people who are lucky enough to have this luxury must not take advantage of it. Live life and take in each special moment. Appreciate the little things, because one day they will be gone and when leaving the world, it is much better to leave happy about one’s time spent on earth rather than sad about the

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