Cicero's Essay: The Fall Of The Roman Republic

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The fall of the Roman Republic was an event that forever changed the face of the Roman world. It ushered in a new age of dictatorship. Men like Cicero did not want people such as Caesar to become dictators. His letters record the events of the day and his opinions of what was happening, and his thoughts on the events of that era. Cicero felt that the Republic fell because of Caesar’s lust for power, and it was his obligation as a Roman to do his best to challenge his ideas on changing the Republic into dictatorship. He worked diligently until his death to exact change in Rome.

Cicero was a well-respected man in the Roman Republic. He had gained support through the years and his opinions were quite valued by his fellow Romans. His letters …show more content…

He was correct in his assumptions of just what he was capable of. He saw how Caesar was attempting to take over, the effect that was going to have, the power struggle between Pompey and Caesar, and the grave danger that Caesar posed to Pompey. He was also concern for what the transition of power would hold for the Roman Republic as well. He recognized as evidenced in his writings that the Republic was falling and a new regime was to come into play. He was a good citizen who went out of his way in order to promote the Republic to the fullest extent. His ability to see what Caesar was doing and how he was trying to gain control of the empire shows he was paying attention to the events taking place in his time. Caesar was effectively destroying the republic by seizing control of everything he could. The assignation of Caesar did not end what had begun. Eventually, a new ruler was coming into play, Augustus. When Augustus came to power Cicero was killed. He had done all he could to promote the country he loved. His opinions exacted too much influence over the Roman people. He loved his country too much, and basically died for his ideas and opinions.

Cicero was a man that was destined to stand out in the Roman world as a figure of great importance. His life was one of service to his country in a time full of obstacles in which he was cast into the middle of. He gave his life in an effort to further the Roman Republic. His letters are a snapshot into the times surrounding the events of the day, and gives us a glimpse into what the Romans were struggling for, and what they did achieve during this time

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