The Importance Of Faith In The American Dream

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In The Declaration of Independence, founding forefathers conveyed the credo declaring anyone on these shores possesses God-ordained liberty to seek after happiness, and thus the idea of the American Dream was born. ("Declaration Of Independence: A Transcription") The simple aspiration, “the pursuit of happiness,” ignited the imaginations of countless people worldwide; it is accessible by anyone in America who applies himself to that end. The American Dream is attainable based on integrity (morals), creativity, and faith. The first and foremost element of the American Dream is faith. The American Dream is attainable based on a foundation of faith. Faith provides drive and momentum to keep moving toward what we want, though it is unclear how to acquire the goal. The Holy Scripture proclaims that faith is being certain “of what we …show more content…

The piece maintains that a prominent reason that inspired positive hopes among people-of-color was the election of President Barack Obama, and seeing other Black role models in prominent and celebrated positions such as American Ballet Theatre’s prima ballerina Misty Copeland (Abdul-Jabbar, Kareem. "The Pride and Pitfalls of Being a Black Role Model." Time, vol. 187, no. 11, 28 Mar. 2016, p. 62. EBSCOhost,

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