My Daily Life: Making A Difference In Our Life

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Humans are creatures of habit and mindlessly practice the habits they were taught. Breaking these habits will require much effort and time, but if one is determined to make a difference in their lifestyle, the change is most certainly possible. This semester I have been exposed to a range of environmental problems that our society is facing and this exposure has sparked a motivation for change within my daily lifestyle. There are many simple alterations I can make to my life that it will eventually become inexcusable to do so. In the upcoming years of my life, I will attempt to make changes to my waste, food, and traveling habits to carry with me for the rest of my life. Making this change a priority now and in the near years will influence …show more content…

Change will not happen immediately so within the next month, I plan to acknowledge which habits of mine need improvement as well as researching environmentally friendly alternatives to them. A change that I have made already since taking this course is unplugging all of my devices when I am not using them. Each time I look at a full power strip, I am reminded of vampire energy and how unplugging them can make the slightest difference. After recording my trash for a week, I can acknowledge that I produce a good amount of waste. Becoming aware of each time I toss something into the trash will help me understand how I need to reduce my waste production. Immediate ways that I can implement this would be making it a point to use reusable water bottles and silver wear instead of disposables. I will research how to become zero waste and try my hardest to follow the buyerarchy of needs in addition to learning how to make everyday products like soap and shampoo in order to reduce my personal waste and save money. The amount of waste I produce also plays into how much food I am purchasing on a weekly basis. Instead of supporting industrial farms, I will seek out local farmers’ markets to find organic, pesticide free fruits and vegetables. In addition to taking away profit from industrial farmers, I …show more content…

A year into my environmental transformation, I will be eating as much local food as I possibly can. It will be imperative that I only purchase meats that are grass fed and free range as well as organic. Maintaining these eating habits will be harder to adapt to simply because I will be limited to the fruits and vegetables in season at the farmers’ market. The switch to local food will help monitor my consumption because I will pre plan my meals so that I am only buying what is needed. Becoming aware of my waste will help me reduce it as much as I possibly can while trying to switch to a zero waste lifestyle. At this point in time, I will already be making as much of my own products as I can while continuing to use reusable flatware. I will also be an avid recycler to help in the reduction of my waste. At this point in my life, I plan to walk to accessible places, take public transport, and use my car only when necessary. This will be really hard to follow because it is convenient to use my car when I need to go somewhere. Switching over to public transport will be hard, but the need for change is important. Since learning about vampire energy, a year later I will only be using energy when it is needed. Everything except for my major appliances will be unplugged when they are not in use. Since adopting these green habits, my family has begun to question their own ways and

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