Ethics And Religion Essay

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Ethics is one of the six branches of philosophy that utilise reason and logic to analyse how humans comprehend the fundamental aspects of life. Etymologically, ethics is derived from the Greek word ‘ethos’, meaning customary conduct and is the study of how individuals determine situations to be of ‘right or wrong’ nature (Mastin 2008 and Sulaiman 2000.) In a contemporary context, ethics is a social study – making the evaluation of its significance an ambitious task. Ethical principles are not black or white and account for a myriad of factors including approaches of character or action based theory and the doctrines of philosophers and ethicists. To adequately understand ethics, the relationship between the individual, society, and religion …show more content…

From Judaism to Shintoism, religious morals and ethics can be one in the same as values derived from faith often implore ethical living. Unfortunately, morality and religion are perceived negatively, due to bias or over glorification throughout society. However, it is evident that faith is closely associated with ethics (Bromberg 2016.) Often the question “does one need religion to be ethical?” is posed, but through religion, the practice of ethics pursues the common good as the two topics are theoretical and practical alike (Sulaiman 2000 and Donahue 2006.) Natural law is considered to be a fundamental ethical theory and is prominent throughout the religions of the world. Christianity is one advocate of this doctrine as it upholds human intuition to make suitable judgements. “So God created humankind in his image” (Genesis 1:27.) Whatever ethical dilemma one may encounter, as the individual is created in His image, insight will prevail and knowledge from scripture will assist in the verdict that is determined. Similarly, this concept also has a strong presence within the Islamic faith. Qur’anic teachings decree that religion is a knowledge and implementation of natural law – as one is true to himself, he will be true to God (Hakim 1953.) Natural law is evident of the importance of the relationship between religion and ethics. Regardless of faith, ethics and morality is deep rooted within religious belief as it stems back to ancient eras, those of Plato and Aristotle (Healy n.d.) Furthermore, even without religion an individual still has the ability to live ethically as natural law prevails and their conscience speaks on their behalf, depicted by many Atheists. “Natural Law manifests providence and benevolence because nothing else can account for its guidance toward the intelligible goods of every individual and community” (Grisez 2001.) Natural law in conjunction with

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