How Did The Montgomery Bus Boycott Impact The Civil Rights Movement

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On December 5, 1955, thousands of African Americans in Montgomery, Alabama walked, carpooled, or hitchhiked to work in an act of rebellion against segregation on buses. This bus boycott was not the first of its kind – black citizens of Baton-Rouge, Louisiana had implemented the same two years prior – but the bus boycott in Montgomery was a critical battle of the Civil Rights Movement. Though the original intent of the boycott was to economically cripple the bus system until local politicians agreed to integrate the city’s buses, the Montgomery Bus Boycott impacted the fabric of society in a much deeper way. Instead of only changing the symptoms of a much larger problem, this yearlong protest was the first step in transforming the way all Americans …show more content…

Finally understanding the breadth of the black’s commitment to their cause, supporters of segregation began to feel threatened by the boycotters. Because of African Americans’ long-standing status as “property” and the widely held belief that they are inferior, the white Southerner’s unyielding faith in his ability to control blacks had never before seen such a threat. A rally meant to prevent integration held by the Central Alabama Citizens Council in February 1956 introduced a handbill modeled after the Declaration of Independence and portrayed African Americans as animalistic savages that would bring about the end of civilization. The author contorts the opening words of the Declaration in an attempt to deem whites the “original” Americans with the right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of dead niggers”. This handbill attempted to negate the raised spirits of the African Americans and return the power to the hands of white extremists by threatening to “abolish the Negro race” by use of “guns, bows and arrows, sling shots and knives” (Handbill). The use of threats and name-calling indicates that those threatened by the boycott had reached a place of desperation caused by the continued optimism and small successes of the boycotters. Before the boycott of Montgomery’s buses, those opposed to integration were openly confident about their supremacy and arrogant about their ability to retain their power. Though their belittlement of African Americans in this document proves their arrogance remains, it is clear that their confidence is waning. Just like the rebels, the boycott of Montgomery’s buses was changing the mindsets of whites in

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