Montgomery Boycott: An Analysis

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In today’s world, social justice, otherwise known as equality and egalitarianism between the races, genders, and religions, is highly sought after. In addition to modern struggles, many movements throughout the course of history that date from even before the 1930s until just recently have been started to demand equal rights for certain ethnic groups. Coretta Scott King’s memoir, Montgomery Boycott gives the reader an inside view of Martin Luther King’s personal life during the Montgomery City Bus Line boycott for impartiality in public transportation after Rosa Parks’ famous arrest. In the book, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, she discusses how the Southern population in the 1930s allowed racism and the Jim Crow Laws to become socially …show more content…

Innocent members of the community such as Scout Finch prove that there are other mindsets to be taken. “ ‘I think there's just one kind of folks. Folks’ ” (Lee 304). Martin Luther King and his wife Coretta both stood up very publicly and deliberately for their convictions, but even ordinary heroes such as Rosa Parks can spark social revolution. “ ‘I was just plain tired, and my feet hurt.’ ” So she sat there, refusing to get up” (King 3). Social justice is not elusive to everyone, but in cases like the one portrayed in “American Tragedy” differentiation between race and class still affect the minds of prominent members of civilization. In the end, true civic equality is not obtainable for everyone because of age-old practices that encourage racial segregation, communal fear to adjust comfortable habits, and because it would be necessary for all people to take part in such an undertaking, which is neither realistic nor justifiable. Hope for such a day when differentiation and prejudice are no longer prominent in society’s issues is shown in small acts of defiance everyday, by exhibiting respect for all when it is not offered. “She would quickly subordinate her own desires to those of the family or the community, because she knew cooperation was the only way to survive” (Houston

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