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Throughout this essay I will be discussing my reasons and beliefs on the second most controversial topic in the world which is … Technology. As a young teenager in the 21st century, technology has had a massive impact on my life, as nearly everything in the world today is technology dependent. Honestly, in my opinion, I think that living without technology is like living without air due to the fact I, and many others, rely on technology almost everyday. From reading a very blunt and offensive article, about how technology has affected our lives negatively I feel that the author of this monstrosity is extremely biased and very hypocritical as they use the internet to write this article and to research statistics, so their points so far are invalid.
The author portrays technology as a gift from the devil, as it results down into many “negative problems”. For example due to the use of technology, the younger generation is beginning to lose their interaction skills and are finding it hard to communicate with people. I find this statement very insulting and completely perverse, as firstly no person would start a civilised conversation with a stranger because it would be seen as rather odd. I mean who likes to be pestered by anyone with 21 questions? Communicating to anyone really depends on the environment these individuals are in, as if you were invited to a party, the majority of people would socialise and try and gain new friends but if you were on a morning underground train your chances of a friendly conversation, would be out of the question as everyone usually looks very miserable, which is why many people nowadays result into plugging themselves into their devices as an escape route so that they do not to ruin anyone’s morning...

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...s you may sound like a loud, outgoing, spontaneous person behind a computer screen but face to face you could be a lifeless human being with no goals in life. This shows how people today are becoming more foolish and narrow minded when believing what they see online to reality.

In conclusion I feel that I have mentioned a few positive and negative points about technology, however I think my response is definitely against this atrocious article. Reason being, there are many points as to why technology is a good thing and it is also advancing our future and the society we live in making it much more convenient . For the generations to come technology will keep developing and will keep “luring the youth into more networks that will stop their communication” but from a teenagers point of view like myself it is just away to block out the pressures of life and society.

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