plastic surgery

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Today millions of men and women a year feel the need to have plastic surgery. Should the United States government put a ban on having plastic surgery procedures done or should people be allowed to have plastic surgery anytime they want, even if it’s messing with their “natural” appearance? Should we void the rights given to American citizens by the United States Constitution? People should be allowed to have any plastic surgery procedure that their body can allow.
I think that government has no reason to place a ban on plastic surgery. Like a lot of the hot topics in America such as gay marriage and marijuana use, plastic surgery doesn’t have any type of effect people who are not involved. It won’t hurt others for someone to spend their money to do something that they believe is going to make them happy. Tax payers shouldn’t worry because, government supplied Insurance doesn’t pay for things like a face lift or tummy tuck so it won’t affect their pockets. Placing a ban on plastic surgery would make no since.
Though cosmetic surgery is the most heard about kind of plastic surgery...

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