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In the world, some people live a normal life; some people live a rich life; however there are still some people living a poor and hard life. Society has high attention of this class of people, including the Mana Party movement. Mana party has been a Political organization in New Zealand, but the member of this party has been not just Maori people or New Zealander, they also have some of member that they come from different countries, so the Mana party is thinking globally. The Mana party movement is an organization which fights for the poor and the dispossessed. The purpose of this report is to introduce Mana party and find out what Mana party’s manager actually does. The next plan is divided into two parts to discuss the background of Mana party and show the information of what get from interview on finding, the final part is the conclusion of all information.
Attiya Samina is a member of the political party ‘Mana’. Mana the movement of the people is a political party based on principles that underpin the Treaty of Waitangi. It is a Maori based movement that strive to fight for the poor and dispossessed of New Zealand. This is nationwide movement that’s not just Maori orientated, Pacific Islander, Asian and other nationalities are involved as well. The reason why Attiya Samina was chosen to be interviewed was based on interest of the political party. Mana’s goals and principles were somewhat interesting and was worth interviewing. Attiya Samina has currently been elected into a new role as executive secretary for the Hauraki Waikato region. Attiya’s role in Mana is not a paid position, it is voluntary. However the systems that are used in the Mana party, are systems that are used in any form of managerial role, so it doesn’t matt...

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... than get check. She believes that people get free is more important than government restricts, government should not restricts too much of our lives. The best part is Attiya is being involved in the creation of the Mana Party. She likes to fight to get equal society for the citizens which is for poor people and homeless people. From the interview, we can know in the world, there also is huge number of people live under the poverty line and they really need our kindness to help them. In addition, we learn the organization how to fight for citizen that is to communicate with government, communicate might be a good way to deal with problem, it can avoid contradiction and loss, and also let everybody knows what you think and what you want to do. The other one is we teach the manager how to organize the meeting and coordination any different opinion from every branches.

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