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In the 1800s the industrial Revolution put European powers far ahead of other nations in terms of technology. This gave the British the advantage and success when imperializing Africa, India and, China. Nationalism played a major role in sending Europeans overseas. Many other motives sent European powers overseas included, the desire to expand economically, political rivalries and military strategy, and humanitarian and religious concerns such as the need to spread Christianity and to civilize the barbaric, this was commonly known as the white man’s burden. Social Darwinism, a theory that Darwin’s “Survival of the Fittest” applied to society; this was advocated in order to justify imperialism.
Before the industrial age, during the age of Exploration (1450-1750) Various countries had trading posts along the African coast, including the British. However, these posts were used solely for trading and not as bases for conquest. It was not until the 1870s that European powers began seeking for new resources and markets in many parts of the world, including Africa. Prior to the 1870s, European powers had little interest in Africa; this was primarily due to diseases such as malaria, which killed many Europeans. Another large reason was due to the resistance they faced against the natives. This all changed, in 1880, with the discovery of Quinine, which prevented people from catching Malaria, also created in 1880, was the world’s first machine gun, the Maxim gun. The Maxim gun gave Europeans a very large military advantage and was a crucial piece in securing Africa.
There were various ways in which Europeans colonized Africa; the main method involved multiple wars where Europeans had a clear supremacy using the Maxim gun. Other methods i...

... middle of paper ... of achieving great wealth. As Christian missionaries continuously attempted to convert people, conflicts arose when converted Africans rejected their community’s beliefs.
Imperialism helped suppress African traditions even more, when the colonial schools, run by Europeans, taught that the African beliefs were backwards and continuously portrayed a negative view of African cultures. European paternalism affected most Africans, even those in the government; never did Africans hold the highest position or make big decisions. It was common knowledge that for an African to succeed they had to conform to the ways of the Europeans, for example, if an African wore their robe to work, they would have been fired.
However, imperialism did not come without its benefits. They increased the literency rate, improved the medical care and brought better methods of sanitation.

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