family traditions

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The first family tradition I want to talk about relates to the fact that I'm half Moroccan.
Ever since I was a child, we would go as a family every summer vacation to Morocco. It started longer than I can remember, and it is still continued until today. I would say that my mother was behind the idea of this tradition, but definitely my father has as much appreciation for the tradition as her. My mother's appreciation for this tradition comes from the prospective of meeting her family and friends. Even though she was married and had a family of her own, I always got the feeling from her that no matter where life takes you, you don't forget your parents and siblings. She loves all of us and is happy with her life, but she never seemed happier than when she was in Morocco. My father on the other hand is more in love with Morocco as a country rather than a place to meet our family, he loves the nature, food, weather, and things of that source. No matter how different their reasons of liking Morocco, they always agreed on spending our summer vacation over there.


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