esophogeal cancer

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The scientific definition for cancer is a disorder in which body cells lose the ability to control growth. Cancer cells don’t respond to the signals that regulate the growth of most cells, which means they divide uncontrollably. Cancer cells are different than healthy cells because they don’t die but continue to divide. The infected cells absorb the nutrients other cells need, block nerve connections, and prevent the organs they invade from doing their job.
Cancer is caused by a defect in genes that control cell growth and division. Things like smoking, chewing tobacco, and radiation exposure can cause these defects. Most cancer cells have a defect in the gene called p53. The gene p53 stops the cell cycle until all the chromosomes have been duplicated right, but when it is defective or damaged it makes cells lose their information needed to respond to signals that normally control growth.
The cancer I chose is Esophageal Cancer. It is a cancer that forms in the tissues along the esophagus. There are two types of esophageal cancer; one is called squamous cell carcinoma, which is cancer that starts in flat cells along the esophagus. The other is called adenocarcinoma, which is a cancer that starts in cells that make mucus and other fluids. I chose it because my grandpa Gyhra had it and that is what he died of. I never got to meet him...
There are four different stages of esophageal cancer with many sub-stages. The stages of esophageal cancer are based on how deep the tumor has gone into the wall of the esophagus, where it’s located, and if the cells have spread to lymph nodes or other parts of the body. There are different stages for the different forms of Esophageal Cancer. At stage IA of Adenocarcinoma the cancer has gone throug...

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.... The side effects depend on the drugs given and how much of it. Some side effects are infections, bruise and bleed easily, weakness, tiredness, hair loss, no appetite, nausea, diarrhea, sores around your mouth, skin rashes, joint pain, and hearing problems
It kills fast-growing cancer cells, but also hurts healthy cells. Another treatment is Targeted Therapy. This is used for people whose cancer has spread. It blocks the growth and spread of the cells and is given intravenously so it can go after all the bad cells in the body. Some side effects are diarrhea, stomach pain, heartburn, joint pain, tingling in your arms and legs, and heart problems. There are also clinical trials. Patients who have advanced stages or patients whose cancer haven’t responded to the other treatments. Clinical trials help doctors learn more about that type of cancer and cancer in general.

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