effects of cosmetic surgery on teenagers

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1.0 Introduction
This report aims to explore the different views held on the effects of cosmetic surgery on teenagers. The report will also provide background to the debate, its social significance, identify the parties involved and put forward the differing arguments related to the views held.

2.0 The issue and background to the debate.

Cosmetic surgery is the process of reconstructing parts of the body according to one’s own will to improve their physical appearance as to achieve beauty perfection and it has become a small but notable trend among teenagers (Collins, 2013; Virtual Medical Centre, 2010).

3.0 The social significance of the debate.
The increasing demand for cosmetic surgery by teenagers has spark the concern of the public regarding the effects of cosmetic surgery on teenagers as teenagers are simple minded and are still not mature enough to consider the long-term consequences and danger of cosmetic surgery on their bodies (Collins, 2013; Woinarowicz, 2007). Therefore, the question here is does cosmetic surgery bring positive or negative effects on teenagers?

4.0 The participants in the debate.
The main participants in this debate are the teenagers, the society, plastic surgeons and the media who have expressed differing views on the effects of cosmetic surgery on teenagers (Virtual Medical Centre, 2010; Felice , 1994;BBC news,2005)
5.0 The differing views.
5.1 Cosmetic surgery brings positive effects on teenagers
There are many who are of the opinion that cosmetic surgery brings positive effects to teenagers by improving their physical attractiveness and self-confidence.
5.1.1 It boosts their self-esteem and confidence
Supporters of this argument claim that cosmetic surgery allows a teenager ...

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Ulene.V. ( 2009, January 12). Plastic surgery for teens.latimes.Retrieved from http://articles.latimes.com/2009/jan/12/health/he-themd12. Virtual Medical Centre. (2010, 24 November).Cosmetic Surgery: An Introduction. myvmc.
Retrieved from http://www.myvmc.com/lifestyles/cosmetic-surgery-an-introduction/.

Virtual Medical Centre. (2010, 17 November). Cosmetic Surgery: Making a Decision.myvmc.
Retrieved from http://www.myvmc.com/lifestyles/cosmetic-surgery-making-a-decision/.

Woinarowicz.J. (2007, July 8). Teens Are Too Young for Cosmetic Surgery.
Yahoo Contributor Network.Retrieved from. http://voices.yahoo.com/teens-too-young-cosmetic-surgery-423925.html. .Zuckerman.D. (2005, March). Teenagers and Cosmetic Surgery. Virtual mentor.
Retrieved from http://virtualmentor.ama-assn.org/2005/03/oped1-0503.html.

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