animal experimentation: pros and cons

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Animal experimentation is not as good as it may seem to humans because we are not feeling it. It is cruel to animals to experience this. Many experts say is the only way to make new medicine, but you have to think about the animal. Many people don't even know what happens during experimentation on animals. Animal activists definition of "animal experimentation" is the infliction of pain onto animals to see their reaction. Humans use animals because we don't want to experience this ourselves. Animal testing is inhumane, for example the "Draize Eye Test". This test is where the animal is restrained, and eyes clipped open so they cannot blink for days, and literally put shampoo in their to see the effect. They do this to examine how it will effect humans. Not only does it hurt the animals, but how do we know that; for instance a rabbit has the exact same reaction of a human. Technically, they could be wasting a animals life and potentially disabling it for its life. That said it could have a different reaction on the human body and could possibly hurt humans more than the animal. "We are not 70 kg rats" said Thomas Hartung, a professor at John Hopkins university. You need to consider when testing on an animal because you do not want to waste an animal on things that humans want, but not need. Will this effect humans in the same way animals? Drugs that pass for animals will not necessarily be safe for humans. "The 1950s sleeping pill thalidomide, which caused 10,000 babies to be born with severe deformities, was tested on animals prior to its commercial release." This is a good example of why animals do not have the same reaction of humans, demonstrating that it may cause problems with the humans health. Statistics have shown... ... middle of paper ... ...hile you suffer, and don't get anything from it? Over all, animal experimentation is not the best thing for animals, and can be cruel in many ways. On the other hand, animal experimentation has brought us so far, and without it, we would not be where we are today. Losing animal experimentation would cause many people to lose jobs, and we would not advance in medical technologies. No one would be guaranteed safety when using a product designed to help them. It would do more harm if we stopped animal experimentation. Plus, it's not only designed to help humans, but it helps animals as well. So technically we are helping both animals and humans. Over all its very important to test on animals to get what we need, in addition there isn't much else scientists can test on. In conclusion, both options are equally important, and there are many pros and cons to each one.

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