Why Animal Experiments Should Be Wrong?

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Every year, over two hundred million innocent animals are injured or killed in scientific experiments across the world. Of those animals, between seventeen and twenty million are used in the United States alone. In the United States alone an animal dies in a lab every three seconds. People in favor of animal experimentation say they’re taking animal lives in order to save humans. However is it really necessary to subject animals to painful experiments and torturous conditions in the name of science? Is it right to destroys an animal’s life while testing mascara or shampoo? Animals have their own rights as do humans and we should respect that. Animal experiments do not offer the best results to benefit us humans and it is costly. Animal experimentations should be abolished because it is unethical to destroy an animal’s life. Animal testing started since 384 B.C to help provide humans with information. Animals …show more content…

The majority of animals used for testing are rats and mice. Other animals include hamsters, rabbits, guinea pigs, dogs, cats, nonhuman primates, frogs, and cattle. One case involving monkeys is extremely inhumane, but still continues happening today. A National Institutes of Health laboratory in the United States breeds dozens of monkeys every year to be prone to mental illness. Half of the babies are torn away from their mothers in order to inflict mental trauma on them. The baby monkeys suffer from horrible fear, anxiety, and depression. Their misery lead to hair loss, diarrhea, and even self-mutilation. Along with the already horrifying experiment, the baby monkeys are later caged with their tranquilized mothers. The terrified babies’ frantically attempt to revive their mothers. The monkeys are inflicted with mental traumatization all for an experiment that was of no use. Useless funded experiments continue to happen and many lead to deaths of the

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