Zombie Apocalypse

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Congratulations! You failed as a human race! If you had heard my previous speech, "6 Ways to Avoid the Zombie Apocalypse," we wouldn't be in this situation! Anyhow, I'm here to help. Maybe you can even survive this… Probably not. Nope. But hey! It's worth a shot. 1. Own a gun: You'll never survive the zombie apocalypse if all you have as a weapon is a butter knife. Although handy for spreading jam on toast, it will not help you kill a zombie. Go out and buy yourself a fancy gun. Maybe two. During the next few months, it will be your new best friend. 2. Travel with a buddy: Use the buddy system, preferably if your so-called "buddy" is dumber and slower than you. Remember; you don't have to outrun a zombie, you just have to outrun the person next to you. And if you don't have a buddy, that plan doesn't exactly work now does it? 3. Learn to love …show more content…

Don't sleep: Usually I say sleep to your heart's content but not in this case. It would be rather terrible if a zombie got the late-night munchies and decided to munch on your brain while you were sleeping. How embarrassing! So crack open the Energy Bar and a cp of coffee because you're going to need it where you're headed. 5. Learn how to use your gun: As you learned in number 1, having a gun is a necessity in the case of a zombie apocalypse. But that fancy piece of machinery won't do you a bit of good if you have no idea how to use it. Practice makes perfect, right? Practice until you are able to shoot a zombie blindfolded, stuck in a tree, and sleeping (which you shouldn't do if you listened to number 4). 6. Don't pick up hitch-hikers: Would you do this in a society without zombies? Of course not! So why would you do it when zombies are everywhere?! Common sense, people! You could pick up someone who is infected, or worse! You could pick up some weirdo who likes horseradish on their ice cream! It's too risky. Just don't do it. WARNING: I am not responsible for any deaths or injuries caused by the zombie

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