Zoloft And Paxil (MDMA)

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The most common form of pharmaceutical medications that are used to treat PTSD are antidepressants which help ease the depressive symptoms that are caused by the disorder, such as feelings of sadness, guilt and/or emptiness (Doblin 2003). There are only two conventional pharmacological treatments that have been FDA approved for patients with PTSD. These two medications are Zoloft (sertalin) and Paxil (paroxetine). Both are antidepressants (SSRIs) that work on the brain’s serotonin receptors. These conventional psychiatric treatments have been effective at dulling the symptoms of PTSD but they have not helped with treating the underlying causes of the disorder. An alternative does exist, and many have claimed to have been cured after undergoing this non-conventional treatment. The treatment is known as MDMA-assisted psychotherapy and it has proven to have promising results.
This chapter will focus on the treatment of PTSD using the psychedelic MDMA (Methylenedioxymethamphetamine). Although other psychedelics have been used to treat PTSD, MDMA has been the most effective in helping sufferers of that specific disorder. PTSD is also the best clinical …show more content…

It was initially intended to be used as a blood clotting agent and its psychoactive properties were disregarded until years later in 1965 when psycho-pharmacologist Alexander Shulgin began synthesizing the substance. He tested MDMA on himself and was interested in the drug because of its effects, particularly on inhibition. Shulgin gives a preview of the substance’s therapeutic value when he reported that he “experienced the feeling one has after the second martini. That one is discoursing brilliantly and with particularly acute analytical powers.” The analytical powers that Shulgin mentioned will be assessed further into this chapter when MDMA’s neural mechanism is explained in greater

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