Reforming Baltimore County School's Disciplinary Policies

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Do you have a worst enemy? Someone you may despise greatly, maybe because of their lifestyles (maybe they're satanist or a Trump Supporter). Or maybe you guys have a conflict rooted in some petty gossip. Whatever the reason may be, all you know is that this person is 'face-palm' worthy. But you won't dare lay a hand on them in fear of escalating the situation--especially, not in Baltimore County Schools. They have the strictest, "Zero-tolerance" rule (BaltimoreSun) which punishes all parties involved in petty offenses like fighting. This proposal is for the reformation of Baltimore County School's disciplinary actions. Studies have shown that the 'zero-tolerance' rule is not beneficial to the accused, their parents, and the school in the long-term. Instead of handing out indulgences of suspensions, BCPS should work on more behavior positive reinforcements like 'group therapy sessions'. Methods like those help keep kids stay in schools and learn about their mental health. The ‘Zero Tolerance’ policy is: “a strict …show more content…

However, implementing the ‘zero-tolerance’ policy has had adverse effects since it hasn’t been shown to improve the school’s overall safety. Instead, it is associated with: “ lower academic performance, higher rates of dropout, failures to graduate on time, increased academic disengagement, and subsequent disciplinary exclusions”. (Achilles). Schools with high suspension rates create a hostile environment with distrust between the staff and the student body because of the lack of ‘positive behavioral reinforcement’. If the students believe the staff doesn’t care about them, they will in return act like careless people. My cousin Jamal, claims that in his school students frequently disrupt the school day with verbal attacks with each other and even the staff--and sometimes the staff spits

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