Deterlerance Theory Of Zero Tolerance

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The zero tolerance policies were implemented with the intended purpose to punish juveniles who display unacceptable behavior and dissuade them from committing the act in the future. The policies are based on deterrence theory. Deterrence theory states that an individual is capable of making rational choices to partake in behavior, therefore punishment which is implemented with swiftness, severity, and certainty will cause the individual to change their delinquent behavior (Schram and Tibbetts 2014). This is the foundation to the school-to-prison pipeline as one receives punishment directly after the incident occurs, the punishment is harsh as one is suspended, expelled, or adjudicated, and there is certainty that the offense will be processed. …show more content…

Labeling theory describes this aspect as it explains society judges and places stigma on a person based on their behavior or characteristics (Schram and Tibbetts 2014). This explains the stigma the student receives from various interactions they encounter such as parents and the school administrators and staff. The label can lead to damaging effects as the individual is marginalized and treated differently by society, or it creates a self-fulfilling prophecy and the person starts to internalize and act out the role society gave them (Schram and Tibbetts 2014). The interviewee discussed the stigma affecting the parents’ view of the juvenile. He explained that since he is Community Detention Supervisor, he obtains the discretion to release juveniles who he deems are not serious offenders. His rational utilizes the learning theory: as he explains that if admitted to the hall the juvenile will learn new criminal techniques and behaviors from the more serious offenders; thus escalating delinquent behavior. Once, he tells the parents the child will return to their custody, the initial reaction is not that of joy but that of worry. He explains this interaction, “Some parents believe their child is a deviant and want him/her to be incarcerated, because they feel they can’t control him/her. It takes some time as I have to explain the child is not bad, but just made some bad choices.” (March 27, 2015). This shows how the label changes the parents’ perception of their child, because he was brought into the juvenile justice system. They ultimately place the label of delinquent, which shapes their opinion that the child is out of control and needs to be punished. This interaction can also be shown in school as the teachers and staff can label the child as troublesome. For example, the student is punished by the zero tolerance policy and

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