Youth Sports Argument Essay

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A point of disagreement among many people is competitive youth sports weather to let youth play to gain physically and emotionally quality’s or not play so youth will not sustain any permanent injury that will affect them in a negative way. If one had to choose it would be pro sports reasons are health, like fitness, safety, and for life skills winning gracefully, Taking defeat well, and competition. The most important reason is that sports are helpful is the health of the youth. Lucy Calkins writing teacher, said “In a nation with an obesity epidemic and a rate of diabetes that continues to grow, physical activity is . . . important. Participating on teams can teach young people to live healthy lifestyles” (“Get off that couch and play,” …show more content…

Lucy Calkins an expert writer and reader, said “Students learn important life skills such as how to accept criticism, how to handle oneself under the pressure of competition, how to work hard toward a goal, how to win and lose graciously” (“Get off that couch and play,” 2014). This quote proves the competitive sports are helpful for youth because it shows how the students learn how to accept criticism, handle oneself under pressure, and how to lose because in life they will be criticized on most things and lose repeatedly. In addition, Kirk Mango, an author Coach and, athlete, said, “The hope is that through making the "right" choices the athlete develops a solid code of ethical standards they learn to follow, thus, supporting and developing strong character and integrity within” (“Sports: The Benefits of Competitive Athletic Sports Participation in Today’s Sports Climate,” 2012). This quote supports the idea that sports are good for youth saying that sports help make the right choices making the youth gain a good personality and belief in one self to guide them through life and business. Not to mention Kirk Mango, an author, coach and athlete said, “When one takes a good look at the wide range of benefits available to those who participate competitively in sports, one cannot help but see how comprehensive they could be in the development of a well-rounded individual” (“Sports: The Benefits of Competitive Athletic Sports Participation in Today’s Sports Climate," 2012). The quote shows that there is a wide range of benefits making the children well-rounded individuals and fit into the puzzle of society. These examples show that the extremely useful life skills that would be gained would be worth the risk of being temporarily

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