Your Autistic Child May Have A Secondary Disability Summary

599 Words2 Pages

Deja Wanzer
Abnormal Psychology 407-901
Jessica Brown
12 April 2016
Article Review: Your Autistic Child May Have a Secondary Disability
The article I chose to review is titled Your Autistic Child May Have a Secondary Disability and it was written by Ph. D holder Lois Holzman. The article speaks about how it is imperative for people to stop thinking that people who are different from us are bad. Holzman mentions that there is nothing inherently wrong with people whose genetic makeup differs from our own. There needs to be a focus on treating biological and neurological deficiencies the right way. People shouldn’t have to deal with being different from the norm along with their actual illness as well. The article mentions a quote by a Soviet psychologist by the name of Lev Vygotsky who said that “the biggest obstacle facing blind, deaf and retarded people was the “secondary disability” they suffer by virtue of how everyone relates to them and how they learn to relate to themselves an inferior, different, special, less than, etc. Vygotsky insisted that helping these people develop satisfying lives and contribute to their families and communities required paying attention to “the social environment of development” (Psychology Today, 2016). …show more content…

He believe that their “second disability”, meaning the struggles they face socially, should be changed completely. In his book there is a focus on people with an autism spectrum disorder, those diagnosed often find themselves stigmatized as all being the same and often isolated from the rest of society (Psychology Today, 2016). This often means that they are not as evolved in many ways, they are forced to halt their growth in areas like intelligence and emotional

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