Yemen, The Happy Land

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Back before the wars, before the conflicts, before all the disasters, Yemen was known as The Happy Land. Based on The Guardian, in ancient times, Yemen was known as Arabia Felix, Latin for "happy" or "fortunate". Now, because of the civil war, and the rise of people against each other and the government, it has lost the validity of those labels. Based on Every Culture Magazine, the name of the country is derived from the legendary ancestor Yaman, the son of Qahtan, or from the Arabic root ymn ("the right") since Yemen is located to the right of the Mecca sanctuary of Kaaba. Some scholars compare the Arabic word yumna ("happy") with the Roman name for southwest Arabia, Arabia Felix ("Happy Arabia"). Yemen is religious country, with vibrant cultures, each promoting a different life style, amazing food, average economy, and up and down relationships with other countries.
Yemen is an Arabic country located on the southern end of the Arabian Peninsula. According to World Population Review, Yemen is one of the oldest civilization centers in the North East, and the first country in the Arabian Peninsula to give women the right to vote. In terms of size, Yemen falls within the average of the countries in the Middle East. This amazing country is the second largest country in southern end of the Arabian Peninsula with a 2,000-kilometer coastline. As stated by Country Economy, Yemen ended 2012 with a population of 23,852,409 people, which represents an increase of 548,203 people compared to 2011. The estimated population number of the former “Happy Land” is 25.5 million; an increase from 2013’s 23.88 million.
The people of Yemen consist of many diverse groups. Although 90% of Yemen is Arabian Muslims with a Yemen heritage, there are othe...

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...ure and political view. On the other hand, the southern lowland regions are mostly inhabited by the Shafi community of Sunni Muslims, who again have a different culture than that of Shi'ite Muslims.
Yemen is a country that holds on to many of its cultural traditions. On earth, each country has its differences and what makes it a unique country and Yemen is no different. Coffee, food, religion, nature, and the amazing love between people are what make Yemen an amazing country to visit or live there. Yemen has had its ups and downs but the heart of it remains the same. The support people give their government is outrageous and the belief in their religion (Islam) is truly heart worming. It does not matter if you are white or black, Jew or Christine, Arabic or non-Arabic, the people of Yemen will still accept you for who you are and welcome you as one of their own.

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