Xerocar Sponsor

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Sponsorship in Indycar is the tie that holds the open-wheel racing together. Without sponsors, Indycar would face many challenges. Sponsors bring more than money to Indycar; sponsors bring in customer relations and team identification. Also, sponsors of Indycar can benefit from sponsoring races and teams. For example, IZOD is a huge sponsor of Indycar and loves the benefits brought by the races. Also, because of Indycar’s seventeen races, Indycar pushes the IZOD brand to the Midwest, south, and each coast (Van Riper, 2011). Indycar benefits from having IZOD as a sponsor, and IZOD benefits from sponsoring Indycar. Also, although making money is key for Indycar, sponsors bring in new products and ideas for races. In 2010, Indycar’s CEO Randy Benard vowed to work with Indycar, and its sponsors and the Disney owned ABC to begin to broadcast more races (Ozanian, 2011). …show more content…

It is important to let their sponsors know that each race needs to be sponsored by one company. Also, Indycar should allow the top sponsors choose which race they want to sponsor. Indycar should do this because some big name races will bring more fans which could mean more money for the sponsors. For example, IZOD and the Indianapolis 500 which is the largest Indycar race. Also, Indycar can show its sponsors it's big name racers that will bring fans to the races. The most recent big named racer that raced in Indycar is Danika Patrick. Now, Danika races for NASCAR and had brought a new sponsor to NASCAR and has been pretty impressive in her races. Also, Indy car can use their newly promoted movie to inspire sponsors to join in with them. The movie “Turbo” was released in 2013 which was revolved around Indycar and the Indianapolis 500 (Ferrell & Hartline,

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