Xenia In The Odyssey Essay

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“The word ‘hospitality’ in the New Testament comes from two Greek words. The first word means ‘love’ and the second word means ‘strangers’. It’s a word that means love of strangers”-Nancy Leigh Demoss. The idea of Xenia might be one of the most important themes in the Odyssey. It is the Greek concept of hospitality, the generosity and courtesy shown to those who are far from home and/or associates of the person bestowing guest-friendship. In the Odyssey, Homer really shows the reader how important this value is. The theme Xenia is a major topic in Homer’s the Odyssey; by giving us many examples of what happens if you show good or bad hospitality. Homer clearly emphasizes the importance of Xenia to the plot by showing that people who showed good hospitality had a better fate opposed to the people that did not. Telemachus meeting Athena in disguise was an excellent …show more content…

Then you can go to you ship in a happy frame of mind, taking with you as a keepsake form myself something precious and beautiful, the sort of present that one’s give to a guest who has become a friend” (Rieu. 1.309-314)
This is a perfect example of what a host should be like. Because of his great show of Xenia, he is later rewarded for it when he finally meets his father and is able to get rid of all of the suitors. The second and best example of Xenia that we get in the Odyssey is when Odysseus meets the Cyclops, Polyphemus. Odysseus decides to go to Polyphemus’s cave in the hope that he will be hospitable. However, that did not happen since Polyphemus locked them in his cave and ate his men. Xenia is mainly prevalent in Ancient Greek society is because of their fear of the gods; however, since Polyphemus is the son of the Greek god Poseidon and he thinks that he is stronger than the gods, he believes that he will not have to deal with their punishment of the so he continues to be

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