Writing A Speech Outline

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-Phase 4, writing your speech down. After choosing your format and generating the right ideas for your speech, it’s time to start with the core of your preparation, which is writing down the speech. Let’s begin with the outlined speech. How do you write down the “perfect” one, in record time? Here are some recommendations for you: - Follow the appropriate template (obviously): As you already shown to you, first write your title, followed by your name, the theme, then the duration. Then use the ideas generated during phase 3 to follow up with your introduction, a body and a conclusion to your speech. It’s more like drafting ideas on a piece of paper, but with more structure and details. -Don’t forget to only write down your main ideas either in the form of questions or small summary: The main ideas make the main points of the text, that’s because they lead you to other ideas you don’t want to write down, but that are fresh in your mind. Make sure your ideas are real facts and not your own point of view. …show more content…

Transitions are important, when you want to get from the introduction to the actual body of your speech. It’s very important to do so, because it helps you introduce the next part that is to come, but also helps your audience follow you with more ease. Also, like briefly discussed earlier, an outlined speech, is preferable when you know your subject perfectly. It helps you organize your ideas, and have them arranged chronologically (you know what comes first, and how long the whole speech should

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