Write An Argumentative Essay On Jazz Jennings

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Over 1.4 million adults in the United States identify as transgender. (Chappell) This statistic does not include the numerous trans teens. One of the most well-known of those not included is Jazz Jennings. Jazz was born male, but says ever since she could understand her thoughts, she knew she was a “boy trapped in a girl’s body.” (Jones) She began her public transition around age 5, after being diagnosed with gender identity disorder. Jazz Jennings is the most righteous living possessor of the “right stuff” because of her continuous bravery, ability to push to her limits, and having her career hit its highest potential.
Jazz Jennings shows incredible bravery throughout her life. Being so public with her transition, she has gotten extreme amounts of hate, especially for someone so young. But the fearless teen responds with positivity. Even after getting harassing messages and even death threats, Jazz tweeted “If someone says something negative then their opinion shouldn't even matter. Stay positive, love yourself and keep moving forward.” (Stern) This response not only shows resistance, but also incredible courage. This is the "right stuff" because she powers through the hate and backlash, and shows her life for the world to see with no fear. …show more content…

When life presented her a challenge, she took it in stride and accomplished her goals. The teen is an avid soccer player, and is on her high school’s varsity soccer team. But this was not always the case. Even at eight, the talented athlete was fighting for her right to play for all-girls teams. The two year battle ultimately lead to the US Soccer Federation’s Trans-Inclusive Policy. More recently, Jennings had to fight her school district to allow her to participate on the girl's’ soccer, tennis, and track teams. (Bentley) This is the "right stuff" because it shows how Jazz pushes herself to the limit not just for herself, but for all LGBT+

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