Homophobia In Sports

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A closeted athlete is faced with many challenges before, during, and after a game, no part being easy. Before the game they are faced with the locker room. A place that is supposed to be a safe place for the players and yet some phrases raise alarm. The phrases are most likely homophobic and cause the player distress. But they can’t react just in case another player notices their reaction. During the game is just as hard, the player has to focus on playing the game as well as listening to more homophobic slur in the game. And after the game is just like before the game acting like fit the perfect mold of an athlete. Being a closeted athlete is not easy, since homophobia is such a common aspects of sports. And the expectation with sports to …show more content…

Both project’s mission statements express their want for the the acceptance and protection for all players. Athlete Ally bluntly conveys their goal to end homophobia and transphobia in sports and states that they “believes that everyone should have equal access, opportunity, and experience in sports — regardless of your sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.” (“What We Believe”). In the You Can Play Project’s mission statement, it declares that the project “works to ensure the safety and inclusion of all in sports - including LGBTQ athletes, coaches and fans.” (“Mission Statement”). Both equality projects are partner with a number of well known businesses and sports associations and leagues, like Adidas, Gatorade, the NWHL, the NHLP, and multiple others. Out of the two equality project, the You Can Play Project is the more well known project because of the fact that every major men’s sports league has participated in one of their videos (Gates), which allows for their message to reach a significantly larger audience. Of the major sports leagues the National Hockey League has been partner with You Can Play since 2013 at the rise of the project repetition. They were the first sports league to take a stance on gay rights. By 2014, all thirty NHL teams had a member express their support …show more content…

Chances are anyone who has been involved in sports either has been coached by or played with a homosexual.” (English). And yet the amount of out LGBTQ atheles are small in numbers, and the athletes who are out are not often talked about. People Magazine released an article in 2014 called The Out Field, which included interviews with six out professional athletes of different gender and sports. Only three of the athletes are currently playing and are out, they are all women. The other three interviewees are men who are now retired from playing professional sports, one being Wade Davis who is the director of the You Can Play Project. A common theme in the interviews, after mentioning the treatment they received or what treatment they were afraid of receiving, was the hope to inspire youth athletes. Each interview ended with what that athletes wanted to do for the youth, each express the want for commonality of accepting sexuality and being a role model (“The Out Field”). At the time of these interviews, the interviewee Michael Sam was actively playing in the National Football League, he was the first openly out active player in the NFL. Another interviewee was Brittney Griner of the Women’s National Basketball Association, who is the first openly out athlete to be signed with Nike (Reed). While there have been other interviews with different LGBTQ athletes, any form of newscoverage of LGBTQ atheltes works for the

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