Worst Mistake In History Of Human Race By Jared Diamond

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In the article “Worst Mistake in History of Human Race,” by Jared Diamond (1987), he discusses how the conversion a hunter- gatherer based society to an agricultural based one was a huge mistake. At first it was believed and is still believed by many that it has been one of the best decisions made by humans but he goes on to discuss how it is not and the disadvantages it has caused.
At first he discusses why many believe that the introduction of agriculture was a positive step. Many believe this because they think of our ancestors and how we are now better off than them in many ways (Diamond, 1987). This is true when it comes to various aspects such as technology and the simplicity of obtaining food and shelter. Then he states how an agricultural based society is healthier, easier, and is less time consuming than a hunter-gatherer society because they lived on a day to day basis. It is easier but it proves to not be healthier and is more time consuming. The primary reason why humans converted to an agricultural society is because of the growing numbers in population; there was no possible route to feed so many people while being hunter-gatherers.
After stating the other sides opinions he goes on to state how a hunter-gather society is completely better than agriculture. First of all, it is actually less time consuming than an agricultural based society. A study was conducted on a hunter-gatherer society that is still present, the Bushmen, and they actually have a great amount more leisure time than is believed (Diamond, 1987). The tribe is actually more nourished than those who participate in an agriculture society because they take in several different types of food, and live of the land. Secondly, in an agriculture society, ther...

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... reason why they are diminishing is because people are forcing them to. They are being pushed into smaller and smaller regions due to the growth of agriculture and the growth of residential areas. The few tribes that remain are actually healthy even when many believe they are not. They take in all the necessary nutrients that are needed in the body unlike many agricultural societies that take in too much.
Hunter-gatherer societies are healthier and more beneficial towards one’s body than an agricultural based society but due to the large populations around the world there is no possibility society can convert back. The only reasonable action that can be taken to live a healthier life is if the pesticides used to grown fruits and vegetables, the fattening products used on the animals consumed, and no other artificial product or chemical is used on the food consumed.

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