World Religions Signature Assignment

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World Religions Signature Assignment
I have always been kind of weirded out about religion and God. My perception of religion is a bit jaded because I had so many different people dumping their beliefs on me. People have also shown me that religion can be used as a crutch. I have known people who rely on God’s forgiveness to excuse their crappy behavior. I feel like people need a faith system (whether or not it is an organized religion) to guide them through life. Religions and belief systems help people form and follow values and morals, which influence our decisions and intentions in life. If you had to put a label on me, I would probably be considered a positive agnostic. My parents did not raise me with an organized religion. My dad …show more content…

I think suffering should be expected in life because it would allow people to adjust their unrealistic expectations about living a happy and healthy life. Life is constantly changing, and sometimes shit hits the fan, so you have to learn to accept and deal with it. I have been so much happier with my life once I realized that people are not supposed to be happy or content twenty-four seven. I also learned firsthand that our suffering ends or gets better when we lose our attachments and/or cravings. The Eight Fold Path is a set of recommendations for how to reach Nirvana and I follow all of them except for ‘Right Contemplation’. According to Buddhism, one must abstain from mild altering substances to maintain a clear mind. I believe we should be able to drink Jack Daniels (in moderation) because it allows a congested mind to breathe. It would be absolutely incredible to reach Nirvana. Like Confucianism, I believe the relationships we have with people are extremely important. I almost feel like my relationships are part of my identity because of the role I play. I am a mother, daughter, older sister, ‘super longtime girlfriend’ and those roles make up who I am and guide my life’s purposes. I also believe that people are born somewhat bad and selfish and need guidance to live a virtuous

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