Workplace Laws

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Laws are in place for protection. Often one may look at rules and only think that it protects one side but in reality, laws exist to protect everyone involved. Whereas the initial viewing of a law seems to protect a particular demographic, the reality is that laws protect those who need to adhere to said laws as well. In the case of employees and employers as long as everyone follows the rules everyone benefits. The employers have happy employees and the employees can concentrate on work because in no way are they being violated. Following laws creates a harmonious workplace. The importance of being knowledgeable concerning rules is so that no misunderstandings take place. Many laws are in place, and those laws can become even more unclear because of legal jargon by familiarizing oneself with various workplace laws …show more content…

One mistake by an employer can lead to lawsuits that range from frivolous and time-consuming to extremely expensive and time-consuming. Errors concerning labor laws are one of the easiest methods of reducing productivity and costing a company money. Also, an organizational culture that that perpetuates the importance of following all guidelines whether said guidelines pertain to company rules or the various laws of the nation it is important that businesses stay compliant to set the standard among staff and those an organization does business with. Three important rules concerning the workplace are the American with Disabilities Act, the Fair Labor and Standards Act, and the Family Medical Leave Act. The Fair Labor and Standards Act focuses on the issue of pay and ensuring that employees are treated equitably and not overworked and underpaid. Of course, some may feel that they do not make enough money for the job they do

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