Working At Teen Jobs By Amitai Etzoini Analysis

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Many parents encourage their teenagers to get jobs for experience and some extra cash, but what they don't know is most teen jobs aren’t what they seem. Many teens do work before and after school and there's nothing wrong with that most of the time. Teen jobs can be an excellent a thing if you have the right idea. Most people look at teen jobs and think that they are an awesome idea but that’s only because they only know half that truth. Amitai Etzoini, author of Working at McDonald’s claims that teen jobs are not beneficial because they aren’t educational, escapes from school and distorts the value if a teen.

Most easy teen jobs don’t teach you much about anything and really cant be used for anything. Jobs such as McDonalds don’t provide opportunities for self-scheduling, self-scheduling or entrepreneurship. These jobs are very structured with teens having a very small voice in the company, therefore they cant make arrangements on their own. …show more content…

Instead of doing homework after school or getting involved in school, teenagers are too busy working a job that wont do much for you later in life. Education is no longer a priority but something that cuts into the schedule at work. Teens receive their first play check and instead of having some extra cash you now become reliant on the check every month. Teenagers grow further snd further from school work and attendance and no one seems to notice. The article Working at McDonalds states “ students who worked at least 25 hours per week while in school, their unemployment rate four years later was half of that of seniors who didn’t not work.” Not only do these jobs not benefit you but they can harm you in the future. teens seem to get wrapped up in the no skill work force because they are now high school drop outs and cant get a better job. These types of jobs are just an excuse to not finish homework and fall behind in

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