Work Based Learning Essay

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Title of your research paper: Should schools expand their work base learning for high school student careers?

Thesis statement: Work based learning is commonly taken to refer to structured learning opportunities to lead students to their potential career path.

I. Introduction A. History and Background Info. #1: Smith- Hughens Act of 1917. This was the first vocational educational act which required states to form state vocational education boards in order to receive federal funds. This act expanded feral funding to the states for work study programs.

B. History and Background Info. #2: The Smith-Hughens Act encouraged more K-12 students to finish school.

C. General Beliefs View #1: Most believe if you are learning about your career …show more content…

Rebuttal? It’s never pointless to help a student who is lost find the light.

C. Concluding sentence and transition: Explain how the examples for main point #1 support the thesis: With all said and done student would be able to learning about many different careers that may interest them.

III. Topic sentence for main point (support) #2: Many high school only teach students about the basics.

A. Subtopic (example #1) from main point #2: If students only learn the basics in high school they will leave high school with a basic mind.

1. Explanation and connection: High school learning is so broad and teachers try to narrow everything in one semester and that is very impossible, not to mention most of the things students learn is pointless in real world predicaments.

2. Explanation and connection: Studies state when teachers teach about real world issues students are more engaged with the lesson.

3. Counterargument? Some may argue that teachers try to include real world situations in class, for example in math.

4. Rebuttal? Most real world situations teachers talk about is only to a certain profession.

B. Subtopic (example #2) from main point #2: Students who only learned the basics in high school find it very difficult to keep up in college and find jobs later on in

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