Wonder By R. J Palacio Sparknotes

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Wonder by R.J. Palacio is a realistic fictional story about a little boy starting school for the very first time. The inspirational book is about August "Auggie" Pullman, a boy with a facial deformity. August faces many difficulties, such as bullies and school in general but he rises above all and thrives. Despite never attending school before, Auggie excels in every subject that is thrown at him.
August and his family live in upper Manhattan in a town called North River Heights. His family believed fifth grade was a good year for him to start school at Beecher Prep Schools. The protagonist in this novel is August, a round and dynamic character. August is a round character because he goes from being an insecure shy kid to a confident and happy boy. He is also a dynamic character because he ends up being thankful for going to school even though he dreaded the idea in the beginning. There are many antagonists in this story but the main would have to be Julien, the school bully. Julien is a flat and static character because he was rude to August on his very first day at Beecher Prep and continued being mean throughout the entire year. August is also going against his own facial deformity, a cross of two genes causing a disease called "mandibulofacial …show more content…

Auggie starts actual school for the very first time and has no one to help him. Towards the end of the year the entire school goes on a retreat together. August and his best friend Jack got beat up by upperclassmen, but three other boys come up and help to defeat the bullies. After going back to school august becomes more popular and gains many friends. At the end of the book August wins the "Henry Ward Beecher Award" and receives a standing ovation at his fifth grade graduation. The conflict in this story is both internal and external. The outcome is very heart-warming because august made many friends that stand up for

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