Women Suffer From Domestic Abuse

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There are some women that suffering from domestic abuse by their own spouses that the public has no knowledge or awareness of. Everything usually goes well while they are dating and getting to know one another. After the marriage, time goes by some men start to show their real personalities and think of the wives as their slaves. Husbands expect the wives to do chores regardless what she wants. In the 2017’s article, Churchill said, “… Drawing up daily timetables of tasks for his wife, and divided into 15-minute slots.” The victim is the servant of the family, she has no choice but do what she was told. According to men, wives must please and to obey them since they are the one brings home the beacon. Churchill mentions in the 2017’s article. …show more content…

When people in love, no one could have thought their lover is one of the abusive men who going to harm them in the long relationship. Once It happens, most abused women think staying quiet is one of a solution to keep them safe from the abusers. One need to notify friends and family for help, also they should talk to a doctor about being abused. From the 2016’s article, Graham agrees when Kate found a group that helps out women in needs and moved into their shelter. Finding help and move out is the first step of an abused woman need to do. And if that does not work, one can absquatulate to a place that cannot be easily be found. As much as the abuse problem in this society, there are places of solution for women can get help from. One can approach at any helping center for the abuse situation. In the article of 2016, Graham said, Kate went to the charity group called “Wearside Women in Need”, they help her through the process of put the abuser in prison (2-3). Getting a divorce is another way of ending the violence situation. In the article of 2016, Ameri recommends women need to seek a separation and legally divorce the man …show more content…

Even thoughts, the abused problem is solved, but the nightmare is still being going around. Men with controlling issue do not let go easily, they will stalk and treating the victim’s life. Graham said in the article of 2016. “Eventually, Kate tried to end the relationship, but he would still visit her property, following and threatening her.” (1-3). Stalking and threating is one of the bad behavior that abusive men tend to own. Women are very sensitive, gullible, and easy to be manipulated. When the man shows up with flowers to apologies plus promises, they will convince the victim to come back with them. From the source of 2015, “They return to a relationship after past abuse” (6-9). The woman somehow forgives the man and come back to the partner with the hope of happiness. Personality will never change, sooner or later, the bad habit will start to come back, and the woman is in danger again. When a victim cannot take it anymore, then the action of revenge will take place. According to the article 2016, Blaise explains that woman will go crazy and damage will be done when she realizes how much pain she has been taking from her husband (1-3). Nobody can take the beat for a long period of times. Once the woman becomes violence, no one can stop what they are about to do. The victim willing to do anything to be safe from the suffering of the partner for good. In the written

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