Womans diet and fitness

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Today, 60 percent of women in America are overweight. According to the U.S Department of Health and Human Services, over one-third of the overweight women in America are obese. Women who become overweight eat more calories/energy from food than they burn off throughout their day, which causes them to gain pounds of body fat. Bad eating habits and low physical activity result in weight gain causing them to lose confidence in themselves while also increasing many health risks. All women need the satisfaction and benefits of living healthy, but maintaining a healthy lifestyle requires healthy food and nutrition, physical activity, mental wellness, and spiritual wellness.
What someone eats daily is the basis for if you are healthy or unhealthy. When most women think about eating healthy some think it means staying unrealistically thin, depriving yourself of the foods you love most, and being on a strict based diet. Wrong, healthy eating provides you with more energy, confidence, stabilizes your mood, and keeps your body and mind healthier (The Healthline Editorial Team). To achieve eating healthier you need to learn about nutrition, expand your range of healthy food choices, and plan/ maintain a healthier diet.
When beginning to eat healthy understanding the nutrients in the food you eat is very important. Nutrition is the study of nutrients in food, how the body uses nutrient, and the relationship between diet, health and disease (Nordqvist, Medical New Today). There are seven different nutrients, including:
Strawhand 2 carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins, fiber, and water. Each nutrient is important and needed for our bodies to be healthy, and different foods are richer in a nutrients than in others.
Carbohydrates ar...

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...ins. Inactive people need to have at least eight cups of water a day. Active people need 13-14 glasses of water a day to keep the body hydrated (dorchesterhealth.org).
Living a healthy lifestyle includes eating foods rich in nutrients. The five main food groups are vegetables, fruits, dairy, grain, and protein groups. Vegetables are rich in vitamin A and potassium, including vegetables such as carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, and cooked greens. Fruits contain plenty of vitamin A and potassium as well. Cantaloupe, oranges, and bananas are all examples of fruits. Dairy provides all of the calcium and potassium you need, such as 1% milk and low fat yogurts. Grains such as ready to eat cereals have plenty of Iron and folic acid. Beans, peas, oysters, salmon, nuts, and seed are all protein foods, and can be rich in potassium, fiber, vitamin E, and omega-3 fatty acids.

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