Winter Break Research Paper

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Winter Break Candles are lit, cookies are baked, the hot chocolate is hot, snow is falling, now it’s time to get our movie marathon on! The candles added such a warm feeling in the house. As we set up for the movies, I could hear my brothers fight over the last cup of hot chocolate. Even though there was still 3 packets of the coca left. As Sophie and I slipped on our slippers, we went into my warm, nice-smelling room and took polaroid pictures. We were having so much fun, we totally forgot about the movie! We went downstairs and realized we had paused the movie and had panicked over absolutely nothing. This year over Winter Break, I plan to sleep in, play in the snow (if it even snows), and bake with my friends! Every Winter Break I look
As you can tell, I really like the snow, but what you don’t know is, I REALLY HATE THE COLD WEATHER. I wish it could snow in the summertime, but let’s get real, we all know that’s never going to happen. DId you know that the world record for the most snow fallen in one day, is ultimately
8 ft! This was a record for one continuous snowfall! This record we recorded in Silver Lake, Colorado. 40 miles west of Denver. For those reasons, that’s why I’m going to play in the snow over Winter Break!
Lastly, this Winter Break I plan to bake! Especially with my friends. When I ever my friends and family come over we tend to bake. A LOT. We always end up with lots of extras, so we give them as gifts or just hand them out. Now, we can’t go through a day with baking without movies ! So that’s what we usually do with the baked goods. As a result, that’s why I’m going to bake over Winter Break.
During Winter Break I want to, sleep in, go outside and play in the snow (if it even snows) and bake with my friends! Another thing is, sleeping in! Playing in the snow with my family and friends is one of my favorite things to do every Winter. Lastly, baking, especially with my friends are one of the highlights of my break, because, it’s just so much fun, and it’s funny when we burn the cookies! Christmas break is going to be great this

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