William Shakespeare Research Paper

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Some people may think Shakespeare had an amazing education, however that is not true. Shakespeare’s education was cut short due to his parents financial struggle. Since William Shakespeare’s dad was a public official, he was granted no tuition to attend the King’s New School in Stratford. His family didn’t have enough money to send him to school after to further his understanding of his knowledge.

Most of the kids that attended this Elizabethan grammar school were very similar to William in terms of social status. Shakespeare was likely to attend school with his Younger brother Gilbert Likely attended school with William but he was two years younger so he was in a different level.The subjects taught was mainly the Latin language and literature. The work of Mantuanus, was often …show more content…

The boys would learn the basics of the Latin language by using a horn book and a Tudor book that was known as Lily's Latin Grammar. This book is a basic introduction to grammar of the time and education. This book was used as the main and only Latin grammar textbook in Elizabethan grammar schools. During this era, students would be obligated to followed a specific routine. Since he was a public official's child, Shakespeare would have undoubtedly received free tuition.Grammar schools were all over the country at that time and were attended by boys because girls weren’t allowed to go.Boys attended these schools from Monday until Saturday from 6 in the morning until 6 at night with a two hour break for dinner.Holidays breaks only occurred on religious days but these would not last longer than one day.Dr. Farmer wrote is his Essay on Shakespeare's Learning the theory that Shakespeare knew only English but got his knowledge of different places in the world from the classics, Italian and French literature that we’re in English

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