Wildish Theater Concert Report

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For my Scholarly Achievement Project I saw a performance of The Lion King Jr. at the Wildish Theater. The Wildish Theater isn’t extremely large, but it isn’t cramped. It was very inviting and I felt right at home. Before the show started there was music playing in the background, but everyone was talking so I couldn’t hear it very well. I was also sitting in front of two young children and their grandmother. The children were loud at some parts, which was a tiny bit annoying. It made it harder to hear the actors sometimes, but most of the time the kids were quiet. They were the only people that seemed to be noticeably loud, but that’s probably because they were sitting right behind me. In general there was a very relaxed and peaceful vibe, but scenes like the stampede were a little bit more loud and intense. The music was all being done by the actors, and the only instrument they used were their voices. There was technically background music with instruments being played, but it wasn’t live. However, Chris Dobson and Keante Priddle did do percussion during the show. There were also very talented singers performing, and the ensemble wasn’t too quiet or too loud. …show more content…

It made me feel like I was part of the show. Between each scene the curtain closed, but it was still entertaining because some of the actors performed across the stage. The funniest was probably when Rafiki was dancing around in front of the closed curtain and their headpiece fell off. I also loved the actor who played Pumbaa. She was very talented and played the part amazingly. She also seemed to have the right personality to play the funny character. Another part that stood out to me wasn’t actually in The Lion King. It was the entr'acte. The entr’acte was a ballet performance. I used to do ballet, and I really miss it. Watching ballet is very fun to me. The dancers were extremely good, and it added to my liking of the

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