Why We Shouldn T Backpacks Be Allowed In Schools

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Schools have rules that backpacks should not be allowed in the classroom. The school rule is “For reasons of safety and order, students may not carry book bags or any other large bags with them during the school day. This includes on the way to their last period of the school day. An exception to this rule will be made for verified medical concerns…”. This means that you are not allowed to carry your backpack from class to class except if you have medical reasons verified by a doctor's note. Some say that it is bad to carry around because it will cause bad posture, but how will carrying a backpack around for 5 minutes in between classes hurt your back. This problem can be solved. There are many issues with this rule and it should be changed. …show more content…

The new school rule should be states as “Students may carry around backpacks but they have to be kept under chairs or in an area designated by the teacher and they can only have one bag.”. The reason this should be the rule is because when you already have all the stuff you need, you will be more prepared for all your classes and less likely to be late to class “In some cases, it’s convenient to make a stop at your locker before your next class, but more often than not, the time it takes to stop at your locker makes it impossible for students to get to class on time.”. Students sometimes worry if they have left an item in their locker. Carrying a backpack around, students will have everything in their backpacks so they will not have to worry “ This would allow students to have more time and attention to focus on what’s going on in the classroom rather than worrying about what they left behind, creating a more relaxing day for students.” Carrying backpacks may also help reduce bullying because when students do not have items in their hands, others are less likely to knock stuff out of others hands. Overall students will feel safer when they have their backpacks with them from class to

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