Why We Should Gum Be Allowed In School

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*Chomp Chomp Chomp* “Stop chewing that gum Billy!” said the teacher. “But it helps me think!” If this is so why is gum banned in school? If gum was allowed in school students could get better grades. Here’s the issue gum is not allowed in school. This is important since students won’t know that gum can help them in school. My reasons are : better test scores, better grades, and better focus and memory. Letting students chewing gum is a good idea because it improves test scores, grades, and focus and memory.

To begin with students should chew gum because is raises test scores. My source for this is Serge Onyper from St.Lawrence University. Serge Onyper states, “ Students who chewed five pieces of gum before a test they did better than other …show more content…

My source for this is Kenneth Allen from NYU’s college of dentistry. Kenneth quotes, “ Students who chew gum while in class have better focus and memory.” This means gum improves your senses. The effect of this is better class attendance and grades. During a test of a quiz the student might remember the notes because of gum. For the reasons above gum helps focus and memory.

Another reason why students should chew gum is that is gives better grades. My source for this is Craig Johnson from Baylor college of medicine. Craig quotes, “Students who chewed gum while in school got better grades.” So when kids were chewing gum their focus improved making their grades higher. This basically they did better in social studies, math, language arts, and math. In other words making their grades better. Undoubtedly gum gives better grades.

Some people say that gum does not help in school. Their claim is that there is no real evidence. The source that supports this is Micheal Posner from Oregon University. Micheal quotes, “There is no real evidence that gum helps doing an activity.” This is can be challenged because there are so many sources that debunk this. Here is one of those sources. See in the source St.Lawrence University’s Serge Onyper. Serge quotes, “Students who chew gum before a test get better grades.” Unquestionably students should chew

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