Why We Should Be Quiet

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So today we were supposed to do a nice and fun project made by Jackie and Coral, which looked well-made and had a lot of thought put into it too, but some people wouldn't be quiet, so Jackie and Coral could present the project, so now we're writing an essay on why we should be quiet, or why it's polite to be quiet. Being quiet when someone is talking is a very polite thing to do, because it shows that you want to hear the person and what they have to say about a certain topic. Sometimes people don't really care what the person is talking about, and that's rude towards the people that wanted to hear them talk, and the speaker themselves. Being quiet to a speaker shows that you have interest in the conversation, and it also shows respect to everyone …show more content…

It's most polite to be quiet when something tragic happened, like a death, disaster, or injury, because you would be giving silence to the people that have been injured in the accident, or injury. Being quiet is also a very polite thing for people who aren't able to hear in the back, so being quiet will help them hear what the speaker, teacher, intercom have to say, which really helps them, and maybe if you did it for them, they'll do the same for you, which is like the saying "an eye for an eye", or something along that matter. One more thing that you can be quiet for is for things like being in the store, what I mean by this is just not saying anything, so other people can think a bit better, some people have a hard time thinking when there is a lot of background noise, because it is distracting, and could make them go off topic. In conclusion, Being quiet is a real respectable thing to do because it will help people that really need to have a silent room to think correctly, it's really respectful for when people are talking, and for the people that cannot hear the speaker (or whatever is talking for that matter), and so we don't have to skip a day in Mrs. Charlton's class that makes us postpone a really cool assignment I was excited to do, which is really uncool to the people that weren't being quiet and listening to the presintation, Some people would have really enjoyed to do

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