Why Some Covers Disappoint, By Jeff Turpentine

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The Art of Listening
Reproduction of originals is a quality that exists in all parts of life. Much of what is created doesn't have (quality of being fresh and new) it is a re-thinking and re-doing of a previous original idea. In the essay written by Jeff Turpentine, “Why Some Covers Disappoint”, he discusses how challenging it is to determine the quality of a cover song. As described by the author, these reproductions often leave the listener with little gratification. The author goes on to explain the lack of a clear difference from the original song can be failure to deliver a quality song. Since the beginning of music, the process of covering material of other artists has been a standard practice. In centuries long ago, the ability to replicate …show more content…

However, any performance of a cover song is unique with just the change of the vocalist, tempo or style reinvents the quality of the original song.
A musical artist occasionally hit a roadblock in their careers with creativity. At these times, the author feels that the artist is likely to release a cover album in hopes of stimulating lacking sales. Specifically, when the artist is old he says, “these releases have served as well timed career-resuscitators” (254). Throughout the article the author, streamlines this idea to include musicians that produced hit that were a novelty at the prime of their careers. He implies that the aging artist need to remake classic songs “confers a kind of late-stage artisanal legitimacy” (254), as a need to justify their entire careers. In the article, …show more content…

More importantly, the public enjoys listening to cover songs, whether they are from aging artist or current artist. Besides, who doesn’t enjoy hearing Marilyn Mason performing Soft Cell’s song “Tainted Love”? It’s fun and interesting to hear artist playing songs that are from different catalogs and genres then their chosen style. The songs don’t need to be something completely different to have value.
I do admit that certain completely reworked remakes can blow your mind at the artistry involved, such as Tori Amos "Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana, however, the list of failures of remixed original is long. Who can forget George Michaels utterly repulsive reworked rendition of New Orders ‘True Faith”? George Michaels interpretation would leave anyone to run away from its skin crawling sound. Turrentine believes these remakes have a “new mystery’” (254), since they are more creative. Often the redesigned cover song is terribly done and quickly

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